Do you have previous experience using Moodle?

Yes, we have more than 4 years of experience using Moodle for educational platforms.

Has the Moodle system been compared to other LMS systems that can be relied upon to meet our requirements, or is Moodle the most suitable fit?

Yes, Moodle has been compared to other solutions, and we even have platforms that currently operate with technologies other than Moodle, including:

These platforms are currently working, and we plan to create updated versions of them based on the model by the end of this year. Our extensive experience with it has shown us that it is the most suitable solution at this moment. (We have a detailed technical report that will be published at the end of this year as a scientific paper comparing technologies used in building platforms and why Moodle is the most appropriate currently).

How will tasks be handed over and followed-up between the project manager of Izdiad and us?

One of the pillars on which the work follow-up is based is the constant presence of the customer in tracking the progress of the project to ensure the quality of the product, and this is done by:

  • Allocating a server for development, on which we add all the parts that have been programmed. This is so that the customer can test and comment on them, thus reducing testing time and controlling quality.
  • Assign someone on the client's side to act as a point of contact for the project manager on our side. Periodic meetings will be held in the various phases of the project. In these meetings, we present progress reports according to the basic plan of the project. The client can view what has been accomplished directly on the server designated for development after giving him permission to do so.

What level of documentation will you produce and deliver with the project?

Documentation is an essential part of the process of ensuring the quality of software development, and this includes all phases of the project, and the most significant documents that will be delivered to the client include the following:

  • The detailed requirements document that the customer will sign, which is the basic document on which the platform is built. This document also contains the Use case Diagram for each user of the platform.

    We also confirm our adoption of the IEEE Standard in building the SRS document.
  • The system structural design document, which contains the main parts of the system and how to deal with them. It also includes a Sequence Diagram and Activity Diagram for each type of user of the platform.
  • System test report with scenarios and test cases.
  • System usage guide for each type of system user.

The previous documents are consistent documents in all projects, and based on the principle of privacy, these documents are not shared with a party other than the client.

How does QA & testing work?

  • Testing and quality assurance are one of the most significant stages of the project. Although they are standard processes, they are planned according to the nature of each project. In the testing phase, we will share the test plan with you as well as the test cases. As for quality assurance, its activities start from the beginning of the project. There will be a quality team that follows up on the project. This team confirms the quality of the development team’s outputs at every stage. For example, in the requirements stage, the quality team works to answer questions. Primarily, they will ask two key questions:

    The first question is: Does the document meet the client's real needs? This is done by reviewing the document with the client's requirements and referring to the client for clarification if necessary.

    The second question: Was the document built in the standard way according to IEEE standards?

    Thus, at each stage, the team conducts the Validation and Verification processes by answering the two questions regarding each product at each stage.

How is UX feasibility testing done?

  • This is done by making the completed parts of the platform available to the customer for testing and commenting on them. The necessary modification is made based on his comments in order to provide the necessary modifications so that the user experience is satisfactory to the customer.

    Our main design criterion will be ease of use in addition to keeping the user in mind in all our steps.

Are there other guarantees for project performance such as (page load time, platform compatibility with search engines, etc.)?

  • Performance testing is one of the types of tests we conduct after the platform is developed. This test determines if there are any weaknesses or lacks of performance, and if so, how to correct them. This allows us to achieve the maximum performance possible based on the infrastructure chosen by the client.
  • We will make sure that the platform is compatible with search engines to ensure that it is quickly and easily accessible by keyword.

Are there other measures to protect the platform such as Cloudflare, Firewall, Platform Scan, 2FA, etc.?

  • Encryption of communication between the platform and users.
  • Use Basic Protection for passwords and user inputs.
  • Periodic updates of the platform to ensure that it receives security updates from Moodle.
  • Periodic backup of the platform.

In addition to the protection provided by Fireol and others, we always recommend a reliable server that respects confidentiality.

Is an Uptime tracker like pingdom or similar used?

  • Moodle provides a set of system-level tracking tools for system administrators.
  • ● Also, the Digital Ocean server provides server-level tracking tools.

On what basis was Digital Ocean's plan determined (how did you estimate the expected visits to the educational platform)?

  • The selection of server specifications was based on our experience with our existing platforms. We considered the performance of the platforms, the total number of users, and the number of simultaneous users.

    We recommend Digital Ocean since it allows us to switch between different service providers until the aforementioned server is settled. However, at the same time, the customer can choose any service provider he wants as long as it has the infrastructure that the system requires.

Is it specified which properties are already in Moodle plugins and which properties will need custom plugins?

  • Yes, it has been identified, and it will be discussed with you in the development phase after the final agreement on the requirements.

Is the 3rd party service provider identified and associated with the project?

  • Yes, it has been identified, and it will be discussed with you in the development phase after the final agreement on the requirements.

Does Izdiad provide all the services for the project internally, or will some parts be outsourced?

  • Izdiad's technical team is able to meet all the services and requirements of the platform, and there is no need to seek the help of any external party.

As the project progresses, what outcomes will we receive?

  • The detailed requirements document that is signed by the customer and from which the platform is built. It contains the Use case Diagram for each user of the platform.
  • The system structural design document, which includes the main parts of the system and how to deal with them. This document includes Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams for each type of user of the platform.
  • System test report with scenarios and test cases.